Google Core & Product Review Updates Finish Rolling Out

Google has committed that the core update for September 2022 and the product review update have been released.

The company confirms that Google’s core algorithm update and product review updates are now in effect.

Google quietly announced that the rollout was complete via its search ranking update page.

Two weeks ago, the September 2022 core upgrade began rolling out. It was launched on September 12. A week later, the product review update was found on September 20.

You can expect both updates to be completed on September 26, which is ideal if you eagerly await to see their impact.

What to Do Next

It’s time to evaluate the impact of the changes by analyzing your website’s traffic patterns and rankings.

You may notice significant and persistent changes if you have one or both updates.

How to Tell If The Core Update Has Impacted You

Google updates core search results across all search results. They have the potential to affect entire websites.

John Mueller, Google Search Advocate, explains why core updates are more effective for the entire site than specific elements.

“The core updates don’t concentrate on individual issues but the overall relevance of the website.

This can include things such as the usability of a page or the ads on a webpage, but ultimately it is the website itself.”

Keep this in mind: Search rankings changes across most website pages indicate that the core update has impacted you.

How to Tell if The Product Review Update impacts you

This is simpler since product review updates only apply to product reviews in search results.

Do you publish product reviews on your website? If you don’t, the update didn’t affect your product reviews.

If you do publish product reviews, pay careful to rankings. You may notice that product review pages have changed, but it is likely due to the product review update.

On the other hand, ranking changes across your site are more likely to be the result of the core upgrade.

Keep checking back for more articles about the impact of these updates.