YouTube Shares 3 Keyword Research Tips For Videos

YouTube responds to questions regarding its algorithm and provides three keywords to research for videos.

YouTube advises conducting competitive keyword research for videos & answers several other queries regarding its search engine, and it’s discovery algorithms.

In what’s now a regular feature in YouTube’s Creator Insider channel, a team member for search and discovery answers questions from viewers in the first video upload of the year.

One of these questions focuses on search engine optimization and determining what topics in videos will be popular with viewers.

Here’s a summary of the questions and their answers, beginning with the research keyword question.

YouTube Keyword Research

When determining which keywords to incorporate in videos, what’s an effective way to determine the probability that it will appear in users’ recommendations?

YouTube offers these three methods to conduct Keyword research:

  • Audience Insights
  • Google Trends
  • Competitive Analysis

Auditor Insights Within YouTube Analytics, an audience insights Card that informs creators of other content their viewers are watching.

This is an excellent source of keyword research because you might discover topics your audience is attracted to that you’ve never thought of before.

Creators must pay at the title and thumbnails of videos displayed within the Audience Insights Card. Examine the similarity to help guide your next video’s design.

Google Trends

 This may seem evident to SEOs, but YouTube suggests Google Trends keep track of which subjects are trending at the moment.

Through Google Trends, you can enter several topics and analyze their trends over time to determine what is currently generating the greatest attention.

Let’s consider two trendy subjects on YouTube: Roblox and Minecraft. Which one is the most popular right this moment? Let’s look.

You can see that there was a period in September 2020 when the two subjects were equally popular, but the gap between them has grown, and Minecraft is drawing the most excitement. It appears that Roblox is declining in terms of popularity.

If you’ve got several ideas but need help deciding which should be the primary focus for your next movie, Google Trends can assist you in making your choice.

Competitive Analysis

 Another strategy that SEOs are well-versed in one of which is an analysis of the competition. It involves typing keywords into YouTube’s search bar and examining the lessons you learned from the most successful YouTube videos.

Examine aspects like titles, thumbnails, descriptions, intros, chapters in the video, placement of ads, and so on.

Your objective is to discover what motivates viewers to click the link and what will keep them interested until the very end.

Other Algorithms Questions

YouTube has answered several other concerns regarding its algorithm. Here’s a list of all the additional information being discussed.

Upload Frequency

Is it better to upload videos regularly? Or can we allow long periods between uploads?

Ideal upload frequency is based on the audience and the quantity of content they’re willing to view. Some viewers love frantically watching content, and others prefer viewing videos every couple of days.

About YouTube’s discovery algorithm, only some approaches work for some channels. This algorithm was designed to show videos based on how users react when they see the recommended videos.

If you upload videos regularly and those videos are in the absence of most of your viewers, this could affect how algorithms display your content soon.

YouTube suggests experimenting to determine what is most effective for your viewers. Make sure you cater to their preferences according to what you have learned.


Do monetized videos have higher chances of being endorsed than non-monetized ones?

YouTube’s search and recommendations system cannot determine which videos are monetized and which aren’t. The discovery and advertising systems are distinct from each other.

To answer the question, monetization has little influence on the types of videos suggested to viewers. Channels can stop monetization temporarily without affecting the performance of their videos.

Stopping Uploads

Does it make sense for video creators to stop in between uploads of videos? Can a channel be hurt algorithmically if there’s a prolonged duration between each new video’s release?

It’s acceptable for creators to break off. YouTube actively encourages this and has research to prove this.

YouTube analyzed 40,000 upload breakups which lasted from 8 to 60 days. It concluded that there is no correlation between the interruption of uploads and a steady decline in viewership.

Many channels also saw an increase in viewers after breaks. YouTube’s study revealed that 25 percent of tracks taking breaks increased their viewers by 50% when they returned.

There is no algorithmic reason for stopping for a moment, and studies suggest that taking a break for longer improves the views. Creators shouldn’t be under pressure to upload every day or every week.

If you’re looking to determine the perfect time to stop for a rest, YouTube notes that many creators have breaks during January since that’s when advertising budgets tend to be drained.