12 Tips to Help You Thrive in Voice, Visual & Vertical Search

These are 12 technical SEO tips and content marketing tricks to help you reach your audience through voice, visual, or vertical search.

Search is an ever-changing, multifaceted, and complex industry.

These are a few changes in the industry:

  • The Mobile-First Index was created.
  • Core algorithm updates Google.
  • The popularity of connected home devices is growing.

What direction is the search market heading in the coming year?

Google’s central principles are becoming more clear amid all the chaos.

Mainly, consolidation has occurred in three key areas: voice, visual, and vertical search.

As the technology industry’s top players embed their products within our homes, offices, and cars, brands will be connected with their customers via voice, visual, vertical search, and visual search.

This is excellent news not only for content marketers but also for technical SEO experts.

New behaviors influence consumers, and technical SEO specialists can help ensure that brands’ online presence is compatible across devices, websites, apps, etc.

Once that platform is in place, content marketers can create the assets their audience seeks.

BrightEdge’s research shows that only 33% of 250 marketers surveyed think SEO and Content are distinct disciplines.

Senior executives can now turn to search for the basis of a customer-centric, digital strategy. Search specialists should seize this opportunity.

Below are 12 tips for technical SEO and content marketing to help search marketers stand out across voice, visual, vertical, and other search types.

voice search Tips

The initial excitement surrounding voice search is now over, and there is more reason to be optimistic about its possibilities.

Here are four ways to create a winning voice search strategy.

1. Structured Data: Make the Most of It

To get the most from voice search, your number one tip is to use structured information on all elements of your content.

Deloitte reported that 54% of voice-search users most commonly use this medium to search for general information.

This will enable search engines to display specific assets in their results accurately.

Google has opened rich results for all Q&A web pages, a huge opportunity to improve your SERPs, especially with voice search users more likely to ask informational questions.

2. Local Search Optimization

Customers can now find your business by simply speaking a few words. Or not if you don’t have the best practices.

Check to make sure your business is included in local directories. Include the correct business name, address, phone number, and phone number.

Optimize Your Content With Keyword Intent Analysis Semrush’s keyword intention metric makes it easy to quickly align keywords with the right audience and create the right content.

3. Get to the point 

Convenience is a significant driver for voice search usage. Therefore, your content should help consumers find what they are looking for.

The micro moment’s framework allows people to communicate when they need to know, do, or where to go.

You will notice an improvement in user engagement if you base your content on these needs.

4. Your Brand Voice

Consumers expect clear answers from their devices when they speak to them.

Sometimes this will lead to a direct, pragmatic exchange. However, other questions can open up conversational opportunities.

Google reports that Google has [the best car insurance for me]. What dog should I get? They are one of the fastest-growing personal searches.

Here, the “SEO Content” is filled with keywords. This makes for a stilted response.

Every brand should have its voice. That is becoming an increasingly important requirement in the age of conversational searches.

Google’s recent announcement about voice-driven information indicates where this practice will go.

Visual Search Tips

This technology is at its tipping PointPoint, with well over 600 million visual searches performed every month on Pinterest alone.

Visual search transforms a smartphone into a discovery tool using images to search queries.

Pinterest popularized it as a way to find ideas. However, it has also been used by Google, Amazon, and many other retailers.

These are just a few technical and content tips brands should remember to take advantage of this new opportunity.

5. Follow the Best Image Optimization Practices

Information retrieval for visual searches is very similar to that for image searches. The primary step is to ensure that your images can be used for the correct queries.

Structured data, load speeds, and descriptive metadata are crucial once again. Google published this year’s image search guidelines in a post on SEJ.

6. Upload an Image XML Sitemap

The better your search engines will find your images, the more you can give them.

It is easy to do this by submitting an image XML website or adding it to an existing one.

More information can be found here about creating and submitting.

7. Images should be central to your brand’s online presence

Google revealed how it modified its image search algorithm in September.

“Over the past one year, Google Images has been redesigned to rank images that are both stunning and rich in content. First, authority is now a more significant signal in the ranking. A site with DIY shelving is more likely to appear in a search. You’re also more likely to visit places recently updated because we prioritize fresher content.

What does this mean?

  • It is vital to building a reputation. Authority signals like external links are still necessary.
  • Images must be used on every page and every site. Image search is a serious endeavor.

8. Develop a Visual Identity

Visual search engines can determine which company an image belongs to by looking at its aesthetic properties.

More prominent brands may find it easier to have larger budgets for high-quality imagery, videos, and video production.

Smaller businesses can still benefit from the same principle.

Even if stock imagery is used in your social media accounts and blog posts, they can still be customized to make them unique.

Be consistent, so you have a visual identity. It’s essential not to use stock imagery without adapting it a bit.

A visual search engine cannot distinguish between images that belong to you and those belonging to other sites that use the same visual resources.

Vertical search tips

Search is becoming the ubiquitous phenomenon it wants to be, which means it becomes embedded in multiple industries.

Each of these verticals has specific industries that consumers can visit.

Think Amazon, TripAdvisor, and Airbnb.

These vertical search engines are becoming more popular, so brands need a strategy.

These four tips, both technical and in content, are a great start.

9. Data Deep-Dive

Different reasons lead to various consumer visits.

They may have different expectations, so your analytics data will show whether or not they are met.

Analyze every data source on each platform to determine your audience’s needs so that your brand can respond appropriately.

10. Understanding Ranking Factors is a Must

The Amazon A9 algorithm works differently than Walmart or Target.

Analyze your competitors to understand their priorities and build your strategy around these.

This will also help identify the factors each vertical search engine considers most important to its target audience.

11. For each platform, create unique content

While the perils of duplicate content are well-known in the search engine industry, many brands forget that it also applies to vertical engines.

This content can also be served via Google.

It is possible to lose traditional search traffic if the content is duplicated in many places. This could also lead to customers being disenchanted by people who already know how to copy and paste content.

To create new content in all vertical search engines, you can use the results of your data deep-dive.

12. Be Consistent

While it might seem paradoxical to create content for all platforms while being consistent, there’s an important distinction.

It has been said frequently that you can only be as strong as the weakest touchpoint of your brand.

Every piece of content posted online is a reflection of your brand identity. It should be consistent.

Consider vertical search engines part of the consumer journey rather than an independent strategy.