This simple content marketing strategy has generated more than 100,000 unique visitors through organic search within six months.
You just launched a new website, published lots of content, and spent a lot of time and money.
Rough, isn’t it?
What if there was a better way?
Now is the time to implement a reliable, proven strategy to rank in the SERPs from month one and generate traffic.
Is it a quick hack? Nope.
Is it free to use? Unfortunately, not.
It works! Absolutely!
This strategy has generated 100,000+ unique visits from organic search in just six months.
Before we get into the details/information of a strategy you can try, let’s discuss why it takes so much time to rank a site on Google.
Why is it so difficult to get a high website ranking on a new site?
Before we get into the details/information of this post, it’s essential to understand why this problem exists.
This is the shortest and most powerful way to answer this question: Content is necessary for you to rank.
You do not have to worry about guest posting, buying links, outreach, and hiring SEO “experts.”
Instead, focus on the following:
Link building and outreach are meaningless if you don’t implement these three keys.
You will rank higher in SERPs if you have high-quality content.
3 Keys to Content Marketing Success
These three keys are essential for content success, regardless of industry or niche.
You’ve identified the problem when your content is lacking in one of these areas.
Key 1 – Give the Readers What They Want
The search engines will focus more on you if you focus on the reader.
In recent years, you’ve heard it repeatedly: “Satisfy your search intent.”
It’s not difficult to do.
It would help if you gave the reader what they need and want.
Key 2 – Implement E-A -T
EA-T is the acronym for “Expertise Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness.” This is the ultimate summary of the excellent article.
This experience can be created for your readers through well-researched content backed up by data, unique insights, and other information that’s not readily accessible.
It makes perfect sense, aside from the fact that Google highly values this concept.
Try to imagine yourself as the reader.
If you need assistance with something:
Google expects that from your site. That’s why E-A-T exists.
Key 3 – Create Something New
What is it that makes your content stand out from all other content on the internet?
You don’t need to post anything better than the top 10 Google results to be placed on Google’s first page.
Implement keys one and 2. This is the only process to do it.
These are some other things you can do to increase the value of your website.
These keys will help you understand the rest of the process.
Let me now show you how Carl Broadbent generated more than 100,000 unique visits in just six months using the brand-new website
This is the “100,000.00 Visitors in Six Months” Content Strategy
This strategy is similar to the three keys. It revolves around simplicity.
This process is identical to the one our writing agency uses for over 800 clients.
This is also how we have been up to helping many clients get over 100,000 page views per month in less than six months.
Step 1 – Do Topic Research
All of it starts here.
You only need to search for keywords with low competition and high opportunities.
This process shouldn’t be complicated by complex formulas or an enormous tech stack.
It is easy.
How to Perform Topic Research
Proof of Success
We recently implemented this process for a client in the DIY niche.
We published 47 posts on his behalf, and he has already received 40-50 visits per day in less than two months.
It sounds easy. It is simple because it is.
Marketing is the best marketing, and content is no exception.
You will see results if there is even a slight demand for the information you publish.
This will help you grow in several ways, including using hundreds of keywords, as we have mentioned.
Step 2 – Create a Lot of Content
This may seem like the worst thing to hear. But it is the only thing that will accelerate your organic growth.
Don’t let this scare you.
Instead of can hear this.
This is more than 1,500% growth traffic in just six months.
And 32,918% growth in revenue.
If he were to sell his website at a 35x multiple, which is possible, he would be looking at a net gain of $23,469.37
It is important to remember that while you can make your website look fantastic and have a great logo, only content can bring you traffic and, ultimately, make money.
Your Monthly Content Production Strategy
Step 3 – Hone in on 1 Content Type
It’s better not to adapt to various writing styles or formats. Instead, focus on one type of content in your content strategy.
Each content type has its pros and cons.
Pros & Cons Of Writing How-To Guides
For example, take how-to guides.
These are incredible, but you will need to include many original images, videos, and written content to make them stand out.
Pros & Cons Of Creating and Generating Product Review Content
Amazon’s 40% revenue comes mainly from product reviews.
Reviews are more than simply rewriting Amazon reviews or plastering images from the retailer with some photos.
Pros & Cons Of Informational Content
For Carl and many other clients, informational content is the best.
You can give the solution to your reader’s problem right away by searching for it on Google.
This will make it work flawlessly.
This is the fastest way to do it. Could you review the product before you buy it?
Here’s an example article Carl created using the above technique to create a unique piece of content.
Here is the video that goes with it.
You can see how everything came together in our whole strategy.
No more Amazon reviews and copying text. To create original content, you’ll need real-life experience with the product.
Step 4 – Create Natural Links
Link building is a key ranking factor for Google.
Link building is complex for most people because they try to build quick links.
What are Quick Links?
Your website’s success is not dependent on quick links.
These are created by spamming every website, email list, friend, and other means to try and get someone to share your content or give you a hyperlink.
This was fine 15 years ago, but it is not now.
It is more important to get one natural link than 100 no-follow spammy links from unrelated places.
5 Effective Methods to Gain a Natural Backlink:
Although there are many other ways to build links, these five are the best.
Strategy Summary
Simple is the key to creating great content.
This approach is not required to publish 500 posts within your first month. It is more important to know what the articles contain (refer to keys one through three) and how consistently you publish them.