7 Ways To Use Email To Boost Organic Traffic

Email marketing is more than just helping you connect with customers. It can also help you rank higher in search engines.

It is the bread and butter of your profession, but it could also be the bane of your existence.

It’s almost inexplicable to call targets like a siren’s tune, whether at work down the hall or on vacation somewhere else. The modern world needs to function.

Email marketing is, of course, what we are referring to.

It is a less aggressive marketing strategy than other types, but it has incredible ROI. On average, $36 per dollar, it returns a soft sell.

But what exactly is it?

Wikipedia defines email marketing as “sending a commercial message to a group of people using email.”

Email marketing can be understood broadly to include any email sent to a customer, potential or existing. This includes using email to solicit donations, send advertising, request business, or solicit sales.

This is the primary goal of digital marketers: direct recipients to a website to get more information, make a purchase or perform another action.

In other words, traffic is the name of your game.

However, is email marketing a way to increase your organic traffic? Yes!

Off-page factors are a vital component of search engine optimization ( ) and include social media shares, backlinks.

Google and other search engines will rank your site higher if you have high-quality traffic.

Email marketing is a great way to get them all excited.

Let’s look at the $10,000 question: How can you use email marketing to drive traffic?

Here are seven ways to increase your website visits:

1. Accuracy in Target

Bounce Rate – It’s a dirty word regarding online marketing.

Email bounce rate measures the number of emails returned by recipients’ servers. But what is important to digital marketers? Website bounce rate. This is the percentage that leaves your website without taking any action.

This is where email marketing really shines. You can run targeted campaigns, regardless of whether you have purchased your list or created it yourself.

Your email campaign should be sent to people who are interested in your content. This could be because they have expressed interest in it in the past or that your content can solve a current problem.

These visitors will likely spend more time on your site than others, which indicates to search engines that your website is a valuable resource. Google will rank your website higher if it recognizes your authority.

2. Understanding User Intent

Your email targets are opening your messages. You’re providing them with something of value, and they can see the relevance in what you have sent. Or maybe you write one of the best subject lines in the world.

There are three types of user intention, and email marketing can be used to support them all.

  • Navigational is where a user tries to reach a site. In which case congratulations!
  • Informational is where users are looking for information.
  • Transactional When a user is ready to buy or perform another online action.

You’re likely familiar with the concept if you manage your company’s SEO.

If you are not sure, ask someone who is to find the long-tail keyword and descriptive searches that drive people to your website.

These can then be used to create email messages that connect with your audience.

You can improve your SEO by providing content that meets user needs.

3. Subscribe to our Newsletter for Exclusive Content

You can create content that addresses the needs of your target audience once you have identified their preferences.

Regular newsletters that contain exclusive content are an excellent way to keep your brand top of mind.

Sending out relevant information via email weekly or monthly will help you show your audience the value of your brand and establish a reputation in your field as a thought leader.

A company blog is a great resource for finding content your audience will not find anywhere else. Clicking on the link to read more in your newsletter will take them directly to your website.

4. Integrate Email and Social Media

Both email and social media marketing can be useful on their own. Combining both of these tools increases their effectiveness exponentially.

Use your social media profile to invite your followers to sign up for your email list.

This will help you build trust and allow for more personal communications.

Emails should include “Share” tags so that recipients can promote other content.

Referrals based on incentives are another way to connect with customers.

This email content can be shared to drive traffic and search engine results.

What do you think will get the best response to your email? One that has a generic opening such as “Dear customer” or one that states “Jeff, We have a special offer just for you!” (Assuming that Jeff is your name, otherwise, it would be strange).

5. Personalize your email content

Marketers probably know that personalized emails have higher open rates and click-throughs, even if they don’t use the recipient’s names.

Segmentation is a great way to increase the effectiveness of your emails and drive traffic to your site.

You can make your content more relevant by dividing it into smaller groups according to specific criteria.

Let’s say, for example, that you are running an email campaign for a computer shop that sells both Macs AND PCs.

You can ensure that your content is relevant to each recipient by segmenting your list between those with Macs and those with PCs.

Although you could try a shotgun approach to both, the number of people interested in either is likely minimal. You risk being annoying and driving people away from your site.

Even if they don’t open your email or click on it, their brand name will be there in their minds so that the next time they search the web for something, they’ll remember you and be more likely to click.

6. Test A/B with SEO Keywords

This was briefly touched upon in number 2, but it is worth repeating: your email campaigns should use A/B Testing, just like your landing pages.

To get the best results, you should test different versions of your emails with SEO keywords.

Try putting your brand’s most searched terms in the subject line, preview text, and body copy.

This is an excellent feature because it also works reverse – you may find that your emails show great results using a particular keyword. It will drive traffic to your website if you add it to your SEO terms.

7. Ask for reviews

Each brand will claim to be the best in its field. Consumers know this and will take it with a grain.

Reviews influence decisions more than other factors, as they provide legitimacy to your marketing claims.

98% of consumers read reviews. Online reviews are more trusted than personal recommendations.

Savvy marketers know that email marketing is an excellent method to reach them.

Post-purchase is a great time to send them. This is because the customer is still trying out your new solution.

To make it easier, personalize your emails with links to review sites. You’ll get a better response if your email is short.

Asking for reviews can be an excellent tool for email marketing to local businesses. These reviews will impact your local search rankings and give customers the feeling that they are helping others in their community.

SEO and Email Marketing Go Hand-In-Hand

Your digital marketing channels can be part of a more extensive campaign.

You can see them all as connected, and you can use each to your advantage and make them perform better.

You can drive qualified traffic to your site by improving the quality of your email marketing.