Google May 2022 Core Update Complete

Google’s core algorithm update began rolling out on May 25 and was officially completed on June 9.

Google has confirmed that the core algorithm update, which started on May 25, is now officially complete. You can now get an accurate assessment of the impact.

The rollout was completed at 3:44 AM EST. However, you may have already noticed the effects of the update.

If this is the case and you continue to notice the same pattern of changes, it’s possible that you were affected by the May 2020 Core Update.

What to Do Next

Are you noticing positive changes? Great! You have survived another update and are hopefully thriving.

Are you noticing negative changes? You might be wondering what you should do next.

Google constantly recommends that you improve the Content to recover from core updates.

John Mueller, Google’s Search Advocate, was in October.

“With core updates, we don’t concentrate so much on individual issues but rather the website’s relevancy overall.

This can include things such as the usability of a page or the ads on a webpage, but ultimately it is the website itself.”

Don’t let technical fixes or minor improvements impede your ability to plan how to recover after a core update.

To improve your website, start with the Content.

This can be a difficult task, and it is not unusual to hire the assistance of AI content generators. It would help if you were careful before you go down this route.

Google’s May 2022 Core update Targeted AI-Generated Content?

Google core updates impact all search results somehow, but they can be more evident in certain areas.

Although it’s too early for any definitive conclusions, there are indications that websites with AI-generated Content were particularly affected.

Here’s an example of site owners who saw a dramatic drop in traffic to websites written using an AI content generator.

Here’s an SEO showing a traffic spike after the core update.

He claims that his site is located in a niche “polluted by garbage AI content” and finally managed to surpass competitors.

Although evidence has shown that AI content was affected by the core update, it does not necessarily mean that it is terrible.

Here are some comments from Google about it.

What does Google say about AI-generated Content?

Google states that AI-generated content is against its guidelines if it’s intended to manipulate search results.

If there is a trend in AI-generated Content ranking lower after the May 2022 core update, likely, it was not being used following Google’s guidelines.

Google may be getting better at identifying AI content used for manipulating rankings and when it is used as a value-adder.

Recent results from an experiment showed that AI-generated Content performs better when it is used in conjunction with Content written by humans.

It is not recommended to rely on an AI content generator in a way that replaces human writers.