Power Up Your Personalization Strategy With Dynamic Content

Smarter personalizations can improve user experience and convert more users. Here’s how dynamic content can improve user experience and conversions.

While some users might be ready to purchase, others may need more information or prefer browsing and comparing sites. Dynamic content allows you to reach all of those users in real-time.

What is it, and how does it fit into your marketing mix?

Dynamic content refers to content that is changed based on user behavior.

You can define user behavior that will indicate the content adjusted using a Content Management System (CMS).

These user behavior include:

  • Buying Behavior.
  • Pages visited.
  • Events.
  • Location data.
  • Customer lifecycle.
  • Spend time on the site.
  • Buyer Personas.
  • Engagement metrics.

The CMS matches the user’s behavior with the right content.

The CMS then triggers relevant content for the buyer’s channel as users interact with your site and other marketing assets.

Online retail websites are an excellent example of dynamic content. Online retail sites are a perfect example of dynamic content. Users can see recommendations for products, emails about abandoned shopping carts, and ads for related products.

Dynamic Content Vs. Static Content

Dynamic content is the contrary of static content. These pages on websites remain the same regardless of who visits them.

Particularly, dynamic content

  • It can be personal.
  • Is database-driven.
  • It is more user-friendly.

Static content, on the other hand:

  • It is stored in HTML files.
  • It doesn’t recognize or change behavior.
  • It takes very little time to create.

Static pages can be more beneficial for smaller websites such as portfolios. There is less content to go through.

Many website editors also use both static and dynamic content simultaneously.

Their blog and homepage could be dynamic, but their pricing page is static as that information is never updated.

The Benefits of Dynamic Content

Site editors can benefit from dynamic content that is based on user behavior. These are some of the benefits:

  • A customized experience: You can build trust and relevance by creating a personalized experience for each customer.
  • Guided buyer’s journey Dynamic content can guide buyers through the buyer’s funnel organically since they have all the information/data they need to make a purchase decision.
  • Relevancy – Dynamic content lowers the bounce rate because users are provided with relevant content.
  • Automatic – Once you have set up dynamic content you don’t need to maintain it.
  • Engagement – User preferences are loaded after the site has reopened, making it easier for users to use the site.

Customers respond well to dynamic content. Here are some statistics:

  • 26% higher likelihood of emails being opened if they have personalized subject lines
  • 80% of consumers are more inclined to do business with companies that offer personalized experiences.
  • 52% of customers want customized offers.

Examples of Dynamic Content

You’re an active internet user and have probably come across websites or other dynamic content.

Examples of dynamic content are:

  • Personal email subject lines
  • You can find recommended products on ecommerce websites.
  • Advertisements for products that you have already looked at.
  • Location-specific prices available
  • Emails from abandoned carts

Marketers can use content such as the ones above to gather valuable information.

  • How often does a user visit a site?
  • Which pages are visited by users? How long do they stay on them?
  • Which products were purchased or viewed by users in the past?
  • What keywords brought you to this website?

This information will allow marketers to provide a more personalized experience for their users.

Dynamic content strategies

Dynamic content, like all marketing strategies, should have a purpose.

You should ask your customers how dynamic content will benefit them before you start implementing it. Consider questions such as:

  • What’s my goal?
  • Which type of content is most useful?
  • Which path should I direct the customer to follow?
  • What is the customer’s interaction with my brand (e.g., social media search, email, etc.)?

These questions will help you create a more purposeful and meaningful strategy that makes a better customer experience.

Special Offerings

Dynamic content can be used to offer new products with downloadable offers.

You might offer customers an eBook download.

Dynamic triggers may suggest an alternative offering if they have already downloaded the ebook.

You can also provide additional information to customers by providing different fields. This information can be used to help you understand the offers that you are offering.

Help People Find Their Way Down The Funnel

Marketers must make sure potential customers have all the information they need to make an informed buying decision. Dynamic content is a great way to help.

Previous visitors’ behavior can help determine a user’s intent and point them towards content that may assist in making a purchase decision.

This email nurturing campaign is a great example.

These campaigns are based on the content that the user has previously seen.

Marketers then send the relevant content to the user in hopes that it will assist them in making a purchase decision.

More Access to Repeat Customers

Are you able to provide a lot of content, but the form is hiding it?

This is a tremendous lead-generation strategy, but you might repeatedly see customers returning to the same form to gain access.

However, if they have already completed a form, you still have their complete information.

Dynamic content can recognize repeat customers rather than having loyal customers fill out endless forms.

This can enable them to bypass the form and go straight to the content.

Different Content

Dynamic content is a great way to stay relevant to different customers, depending on their location and needs.

For instance , if you have a clothing site, you might create images and page content that speak to customers in high desert areas while still serving content to those in colder regions.

A blog can also help you provide more relevant content to users based on past data.

Let’s say, for instance, that a user is looking at blogs about link building.

Dynamic content can use this data to provide more link-building topics the next time they visit the site.

Targeted Ads

Ads may follow you. Another form of dynamic content is this.

These ads use search behavior to show users relevant products.

These targeted ads can be used for downloadables and ebooks and event reminders or other demographics.

Dynamic content can reveal a lot about your customers.

It can also create a personalized experience for users to see relevant content.

This strategy allows you to create a more personal and customized web experience to increase repeat customers.